Entertainment is critical to your big day! — The Souljers

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Entertainment is critical to your big day!

Two thirds of couples look back on their wedding day and say that entertainment was critical to its success. In fact, they say it was THE most important factor in their big day. Of the remaining couples, nearly all of them said entertainment was very important, with just 2% describing it as important (and none at all describing it as quite important or not important!).

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, because these same couples felt that entertainment was less important than things like the dress and outfits during the planning stage. Before the wedding, just over half described entertainment as of 'critical' importance. 

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So what makes them change their mind? Why is entertainment so important looking back and not so important looking ahead? It's all down to memories. A fabulous entertainer can really make your wedding and will be a memory shared not just by you, but by all of your guests. By the end of the day, the wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses will be grubby and a bit crumpled, the groom and his men will have shed their ties and jackets, but the memories of fantastic entertainment will live on.


Couples considered venues to be very important, both when planning the wedding and looking back on it. We know ourselves just how important a good venue can be in making your 'evening do' a night to remember. Bottom of people's priority lists, both before and after the wedding, were a wedding co-ordinator - which 60% of people described as 'not important at all' and the transport. A fancy car is nice, but it's just for a short time and for many people it's a good place to make a saving.

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(PS As you might have guessed as you're looking at this website - wedding entertainment is really our thing, and we pride ourselves on making your special day the best ever. If entertainment is critical to the success of your wedding, get in touch with us and we'll see what we can do for you!)

The results were taken from a survey of 56 couples, carried out on behalf of Adam Thomas & The Souljers. Of those surveyed, 30 described the outfits as 'critical' while in the planning stages, with entertainment described as critical by 29, with 23 describing it as 'very important' and four as 'important'. Looking back on their weddings, entertainment was critical to 37 of the couples and outfits critical to 24. 



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